3 Peaks 2002
Teams Call Sign Individual times Total Walking Total Time
Ben Nevis Scafell Pike Snowdon
start finish time start finish time start finish time    
Chase De Vere 2 Sterling 15:54 19:48 03:54 05:00 08:53 03:53 13:23 17:02 03:39 11:26 21:26:00
Chase De Vere 1 Crouchies Tigers 15:50 21:05 05:15 05:09 09:55 04:46 14:23 17:54 03:31 13:32 23:32:00
Team Thomson Thompson 15:38 20:35 04:57 05:03 09:40 04:37 14:11 18:10 03:59 13:33 23:33:00
Fat Club Fat Club 16:22 21:21 04:59 05:12 10:01 04:49 14:30 18:16 03:46 13:34 23:34:00
Nationwide Nationwide 16:38 21:54 05:16 05:36 10:05 04:29 14:39 18:41 04:02 13:35 23:42:00
Thamesdown Marketing  Mailshot 16:46 21:36 04:50 05:24 10:07 04:43 14:32 18:42 04:10 13:43 23:43:00
Uniq Prepared Foods 2 Coleslaw 15:42 21:25 05:43 05:15 10:05 04:50 14:35 17:51 03:16 13:49 23:49:00
Uniq Prepared Foods 6 Curry 16:42 21:34 04:52 05:18 10:06 04:48 15:30 19:47 04:17 13:57 23:57:00
Chase De Vere 4 Rubel 16:30 21:38 05:08 05:27 10:55 05:28 15:39 19:48 04:09 14:45 24:45:00
Swindon Evening Advertiser Swindon 15:46 21:44 05:58 05:36 10:42 05:06 15:45 20:37 04:52 15:56 25:56:00
Chase De Vere 3 Dollar 15:58 21:35 05:37 05:21 10:56 05:35 15:59 20:44 04:45 15:57 25:57:00
Chase De Vere 5 Euro 16:34 21:50 05:16 05:33 11:22 05:49 15:50 20:58 05:08 16:13 26:13:00
Wincanton WHS Anderson 16:54 23:10 06:16 06:04 11:16 05:12 15:46 20:40 04:54 16:22 26:22:00
Uniq Prepared Foods 5 Salmon 16:10 21:53 05:43 05:39 11:19 05:40 15:49 21:26 05:37 17:00 27:00:00
Mc Donalds Ronald 16:58 23:00 06:02 06:00 11:58 05:58 16:28 21:52 05:24 17:24 27:24:00
Spirit of Arriva Engine 16:18 22:46 06:28 05:55 11:30 05:35 16:00 21:24 05:24 17:27 27:27:00
Uniq Sauces Mustard 16:26 22:25 05:59 05:50 11:49 05:59 16:19 22:05 05:46 17:44 27:44:00
St Ivel Yoghurt 16:50 22:38 05:48 05:54 11:40 05:46 17:40 22:30 04:50 16:24 26:24:00
Uniq Prepared Foods 1 Salad 15:30 21:00 05:30 05:06 11:16 06:10 15:44 22:05 06:21 18:01 28:01:00
Railtrack Railtrack 15:34 22:10 06:36 05:41 11:25 05:44 15:55 21:42 05:47 18:07 28:07:00
Arval PHH Vehicle 16:14 22:23 06:09 06:00 12:22 06:22 16:44 22:34 05:50 18:21 28:21:00
Uniq Prepared Foods 3 Sandwich 16:02 22:27 06:25 05:50 11:55 06:05 16:52 22:55 06:03 18:33 28:33:00
Uniq Prepared Foods 4 Cheesecake 16:06 23:16 07:10 withdrawn withdrawn withdrawn withdrawn withdrawn withdrawn withdrawn withdrawn


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