Ways to Support Us
The Mitchemp Trust receives no Government funding and therefore relies totally upon the generosity of voluntary donations from the public and companies to run its camps each year. In order to secure the camps for 2002 it is essential that the Trust raises £32,000 prior to March 2002.

Without this provision, these children have little or no chance for their own development. This type of opportunity can have a lasting effect on a childs life and benefit the community as a whole by reducing the number of children that drop out of education, turn to drugs and alcohol or become involved in crime.
Your donation whether large or small will enable the Mitchemp Trust to improve the lives of children in Wiltshire.

  • £16,000 can run an adventure camp for 40 children
  • £400 could provide this opportunity for one child
  • £2,500 could provide qualified instructors and staff for one camp
  • £900 could provide transport for one camp
  • £200 could train one volunteer staff member
Check out theNews and Events’ page to see the latest fundraising activities or ‘Contact Us’ to learn more about how you can help change the lives of our young people.