Three Peaks Challenge FAQs





  24 PEAKS







How many walkers should we have in our team?

The minimum is five and the maximum is seven. A team larger than seven is more likely to split, leaving one party without a radio. Also, it is also more difficult to match the physical abilities of each member in a larger team. The impact on the environment is an important factor in limiting the numbers in a team. For safety reasons, we do not recommend that you have any fewer than five people in your team.

How fit do I have to be?

You do not have to be super fit for the Three Peaks Challenge although you are strongly advised to follow the training programme in the information folder. Try, where possible, to include hill walking in your team's preparation. Contact us if you have any questions relating to fitness and training.

Is it necessary to have two dedicated drivers?

YES - for the Three Peaks two drivers per vehicle are needed simply because of all the driving involved. We recommend hiring a minibus for your team (maximum 15 seater) or two people carriers.

Do we really need walking poles and head torches?

YES - we realise these are an additional expense but drawing on our experience from previous years we feel they are a very worthwhile investment. Even the most experienced walker can turn an ankle. With the assistance of walking poles an injured person can be assisted off the mountain preventing a full scale rescue. Head torches are invaluable for night-time descents or when visibility is poor since they allow you to keep both hands free.

Is it necessary to have full waterproofs?

YES - even in the height of summer conditions can change. Just because it is sunny at the bottom of a mountain does not mean it will be sunny by the time you reach the top. For example, Ben Nevis can have snow on the top all the year round. It is important you carry your waterproofs with you on each mountain.

Is it necessary to have walking boots?

YES - you need boots that offer good ankle support, specially constructed soles and are able to offer protection against the elements. We recommend Gore-Tex lined fabric boots - they meet all of the above requirements. Your boots must be higher than the ankle - low and mid cross trainers will not be allowed.

What kind of food should I take on the event?

You will not have time to sit down and eat full meals. You will need a good support crew to provide a quick, hot, high-in-energy meal when you return from the mountain, such as pasta or noodles. It is therefore a good idea for your support crew to be equipped with a mobile stove and kettle. Cooking facilities will not be available at start points. On the route itself, carry lightweight high-energy foods such as nuts, muesli bars and chocolate.

Will I need to carry water on the routes?

YES - every team member should carry about 1 litre of water on each mountain. Ensure your water bottles are full for the start of each route. Natural sources of water, if any, will be pointed out at the start brief. It is advisable to use purification tablets for water taken from mountain streams. Water is not always available at the start point.

What happens after the event?

As teams come off of Snowdon, light refreshments are provided. There is then a reception for all teams and directors, usually held in a marquee at the Quality Hotel Snowdonia, North Wales. A buffet dinner is provided, with a cash bar. All teams are presented with certificates, with an award going to the team that raises the most money. There is further entertainment into the early hours for those that still have the energy!

Will I need insurance cover on the event?

As an event organiser we do have public liability insurance. You are responsible for obtaining personal liability insurance.

Where does our sponsorship money go?

2% of the total funds raised go towards the upkeep of the paths we use during the event. The rest of the funds go directly towards our work, helping vulnerable children.

  Registered Charity Number 1019493