Camp Photos

What others have said...





Young persons Quotes

  • I feel more confident about talking to people, taking part in more things to what I would normally. I feel more confident by getting to know myself and who I really am.
  • I feel more confident about meeting new friends, talking and I feel I can trust people more.
  • Since the camps I feel like I can achieve most things that I want if I put my mind to it.
  • I'm kinder and more positive about myself after the camps
  • I was really proud that I did all the activities and of getting over my fears and making friends
  • I had a great time. I loved it for the whole time I was there. I enjoyed the activities 100% and can't wait for the next camp.

Parent Quotes

  • The Mitchemp Trust helped my daughter interact with others which has boosted her confidence
  • What did The Mitchemp Trust Do Well? Boosted self confidence, gave lots of encouragement and support. Made the camp fun. Provided lasting opportunities for friendship. Provided excellent activities and encouraged personal growth.
  • You gave my daughter a huge boost with her self esteem and helped her to overcome her personal fears.
  • I think the whole Mitchemp Trust team do an excellent job with all the children. It's great for kids to have such a wonderful opportunity to mix with others and really get to know themselves.
  • He has been showing a lot more confidence and is willing to help others more
  • Since the camps my son has much improved social skills and he's really proud of his achievements
  • What a fantastic experience and opportunity for any child to be involved in. Testing their abilities with support and care in such a fun atmosphere is an ideal way for them to learn positively about themselves and others.


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